Employer Retirement Plans

Retirement plans are a valuable benefit that impacts the present and future lives of employees. We offer retirement plans, such as 401K, 403B, 457, and Pension plans.

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Retirement Planning

Have you recently changed jobs or are you thinking about retiring? You may be wondering what to do with your employer-sponsored retirement plan.

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Why Work With Us

Retirement can be the most expensive decision a person is ever going to make, and as such it is important to really understand how much it's going to cost. 

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Rochester Investments, Inc is a SEC Registered Investment Advisor (RIA), an investment management, financial advisor, and financial planner firm located in Rochester NY. We serve individuals and businesses with their investments and planning needs. What makes us unique is that we provide investments and tax management to get our clients the highest financial and tax benefits. We also have a very strong charitable, trusts and estates planning experience. As part of Charles Schwab Advisory Services we provide:


ROCHESTER INVESTMENTS is here to help you achieve your financial dreams and aspirations so you can live happily and worry free. We help you build an investment portfolio, save on taxes, and earn a retirement income that lasts throughout your retirement years and beyond. We build enduring client relationships based upon integrity, experience, and trust by providing objective advice and superior service.

Ping piggy bank with a dollar sign


Purple Money bag with an arrow pointing up


Money target with an arrow


We work in the capacity of an investment consultant and a financial planner. We assist clients with wealth accumulation, comprehensive retirement planning, and complex tax and estate strategies. Most of our clients are Business Owners and Retirees. We focus on a range of financial services, including:

1. Investment Management: custom investment portfolios with stocks, bonds, exchange traded funds (ETFs), and mutual funds

2. Business Planning: 401K and pension plans, executive benefits to owners and key employees, business buy-sell agreements, business exit strategies, group benefits, corporate-owned life insurance, etc.

3. Divorce and/or Loss of Spouse financial and retirement planning

4. Retirement Planning and Work transition: 401K, 403B, 457, IRA and ROTH IRA rollovers 

5. Retirement Income and wealth preservation. Don’t sacrifice your retirement income by having investments that may hurt you in the long run or leave less money to your family.

6. Charitable Giving, planning for Trusts and Estates, and leaving a legacy

7. Tax planning for individuals and families. While everyone’s situation is different, understanding how taxes work and using some tax planning strategies can significantly impact what someone pays in taxes.

Your financial success is our priority! We strive to ensure your financial outcomes exceed your expectations. We help you stay on track and have a peace of mind. Thank you to our clients and to our future clients. We are proud to be your dedicated Financial Advisor.

Give us a call at 585-568-6656 or email us at dsa@rochesterinvestments.com. We’d love to talk to you!


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